HD Distribution Amplifiers

Roland Bi-directional 3G-SDI/HDMI with Delay and Frame Sync

VC-1-DL: Bi-directional 3G-SDI/HDMI with Delay and Frame Sync

Roland Up/Down/Cross Scan Converter

VC-1-SC: Up/Down/Cross Scan Converter to/from SDI/HDMI with Frame Sync

SIIG 3GSDI to HDMI Converter

3G-SDI to HDMI Converter broadcasts 3G-SDI signals from one SDI source to two SDI and one HDMI outputs.

Theatrixx Technologies xVision 1x4 SDI Video Distribution Amplifier

The SDI 1x4 Distribution Amplifier from xVision splits a single 1080p SDI signal source to up to four outputs.

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